Future Mapping
Focused & evidence-based intervention to shape and accelerate transitions
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Disruptive transitions require organisations to rethink & redesign their strategic core
Benefit or fall victim to disruptive transitions is a strategic choice
These are exciting times, transitions are everywhere. Desired, necessary and unexpected. As markets and industries are in constant flux, organisations cannot rely on past success and experience. In today’s connected and volatile environments, change does not come in small packages and at a modest pace. Dynamic interactions between trends and trend breaks create comprehensive transitions that accelerate beyond yet unknown tipping points. Even when transitions unfold and manifest themselves, their future course is surrounded by uncertainty.
Although disruptive transitions often take organisations by surprise, they do not come out of the blue. At @FairSights, we use a new, innovative approach called Future Mapping to accurately map and continuously monitor the forces that shape and may shake-up the future of a sector or market in the medium term. It helps organisations to identify attractive opportunities and strategic risks before they fully manifest themselves, creating valuable time to successfully anticipate and adapt successfully.
Future Mapping is a powerful approach in times of disruption
To shape and accelerate social transitions together with partners
In combination with Scenario Analysis, Future Mapping helps to map transitional spaces razor-sharp and monitor crucial future forces periodically in order to anticipate changes and surprises (much) earlier. It provides a solid basis for governments, housing corporations, healthcare organisations, NGOs and industry associations to shape and accelerate desired transitions. Future Mapping is a practical and powerful tool to design, test and scale up effective interventions together with partners much faster. Robust policies starts with insight and overview.
Once disruptive transitions start to unfold and accelerate, strategic transformation is inevitable for existing organisations in order to adapt to radically changing circumstances. @FairSights we work intensively with our customers to design and realise strategic transformations in a highly engaging and participative way. We start with a deep-dive exploration of the future, discover what is valued and possible in the future, outline the transformation that is needed, and start up the learning process of transforming.
Strategic transformations affect & change the entire organisation
Projects & Customers
Over the years we have supported small & large companies, governments and non-profit organisations in their transformation journeys to create & adapt to major transitions.
Facilitate & support several energy companies to explore & assess the strategic implications of the sustainable energy transition.
Introduce a corporate strategy office into Future Mapping and set up a detailed future mapping dashboard of the healthcare sector.
Focused future exploration to assess the impact & opportunities of digitisation & servitisation for a production company.
Series of Future Mapping workshops with a regional government to map key transitions in housing policy.
Facilitate & support the future exploration & strategic transformation of a small & large pension fund.
Explore how major transitions in mobility might develop within a set of challenging & diverging future scenarios.