Business Model Innovation
Discover attractive opportunities & design innovative business models
Distinctive competencies are at the core of winning business models
Market leaders create the business models of the future
What are the winning value propositions that will dominate your markets in the future? Successful companies do not wait until others turn them into a success but lead the way in creating the business models of the future. Using their strong sensing and imaginative powers, they are among the first to identify emerging, unmet customers needs and preferences well before market growth accelerates. Like no other tomorrow's winners master the design and experimentation capabilities to turn ideas and opportunities into working business models.
Even the most brilliant and innovative technologies, products and services do not automatically turn into the market leaders of the future. Successful business innovation requires the design and support of integrated value networks, ecosystems and partnerships to co-create each step from key sources to final customers. They build upon distinctive capabilities to generate unique value and ensure sustainable competitive advantage. Last but not least, excellent strategies create unique market positions that take the best out of business models.
Excellent strategies take the best out of business models
In the end, it is all about the customers' customers
Building upon insights from future mapping, scenario thinking and analysing industry transitions, @FairSights we have created an interactive business innovation process to identify, design and start-up the next generation of business models and supporting networks. In this process we search for unmet customer demand and new jobs-to-be-done they are looking for, explore different value propositions, identify critical strategic competencies, and think through a variety of revenue models to generate financial profits or other benefits.
Projects & Customers
Identifying and designing attractive new business models is part of many of our projects. Future scenarios offer free spaces for ‘greenfield’ experimentation.
Identify & strengthen the business models of six business units of a global logistics company in a series of workshops.
Business model innovation as part of a multiyear advanced management programme for one of the largest Indian companies.
Detect & design the next generation of digital business models for a specialised insurer as part of a scenario exploration.
Identify, design & testing of attractive future business models with several banks & insurers in Malaysia.
Exploring the design & potential of new business models in real estate with a major Asian property developer.
Exploring future 'business models' in education with polytechnic universities in the Netherlands