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@FairSights we help our clients to explore and create remarkable futures, map and benefit from disruptive transitions, and manage the strategic transformations that are required to be successful.


Our View


This is the age of transition. Digitalisation, innovative technologies, changing customer behaviour and new business models shape and shake up markets and industries of all kinds. Structural change is in full swing in travel, retail and energy, followed closely by sectors like finance, transportation, healthcare, food and education. It requires organisations to rethink and redesign their role, strategy and portfolio of activities. Disruptive transition calls for strategic transformation.


You can only foresee and create, what you can imagine. Organisations that see major change when it starts to happen open up attractive opportunities to create new value propositions. FairSights works with organisations to explore the future and stretch their imagination to spot the best opportunities for future growth. We help clients in all shapes and sizes and all over the world to create better futures for the people they care about. Our focus is on building dynamic capabilities to anticipate major change, develop winning strategies and create game-breaking business models.

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Robert P. Bood PhD

Managing Partner

In the past 25 years I have worked with companies, governments, and NGOs of all shapes and sizes in well over 45 countries around the world to mobilise their future intelligence, gain insights into trends, trend breaks and transitions, and create extraordinary strategies and policies for the long term. I love to share my experience and insights and teach in executive programmes at TIAS School for Business and Society at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, and at the Iclif Executive Education Center of the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

I am also a professional mediator listed in the quality register of the Dutch Mediators Federation. In my mediation practice I focus on resolving business disputes that emerge within and across companies and organisations of all shapes and sizes, family business, boards, partnerships, and alliances. If you are interested in hiring me as a mediator, I kindly refer you to my mediation website.


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