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Detect & anticipate strategic risks well in advance

Strategic Risk Management


In the Strategic Risk Management programme, participants apply scenario analysis to identify, monitor, and develop options to mitigate and manage strategic risks and uncertainties.

Detecting risks & uncertainties

Strategic risks have a major influence on the future success of organisations. Insufficient understanding of strategic risks and uncertainties can lead to underestimation, incorrect assumptions when making strategic decisions, incorrect valuation of investment proposals or missing opportunities through excessive prudence. Listed companies are also legally obliged to identify the main risks and uncertainties they face. The Governance Code asks companies both to specify them and to indicate how they deal with them. Scenario analysis and future mapping are ideally suited to give shape to and support strategic risk management in a structured manner.


In the programme, participants apply scenario analysis and future mapping to identify and monitor strategic risks and uncertainties and develop options to mitigate and manage them. The programme combines insight into the roles that scenario analysis and future mapping can play to structure and strengthen strategic risk management with a variety of practical exercises. Between the two blocks, participants work on mapping and thinking through strategic risks and uncertainties for their own organisation. During and after the programme, the lecturer is available for questions and support.


  • Being able to use scenario analysis and future mapping in order to carry out strategic risk management in a structured way.

  • Understanding of the role strategic risk management can play in the valuation and selection of strategic growth opportunities and investment proposals.

  • A flying start in using scenario analysis and future mapping to shape strategic risk management.

  • One-year subscription to the weekly newsletter onFutureScenarios that explores, maps and monitors the future of a range of industries to detect disruptive and structural changes to identify attractive business opportunities as well as strategic risks.


Participants are (chief) risk/financial officers or as entrepreneurs, board members or managers responsible for risk or financial management, valuing alternative innovation and investment proposals and involved in long-term strategy. The sectors and markets in which they operate are changing rapidly and are surrounded by significant risks and uncertainties. With scenario analysis and future mapping, they can strengthen the strategic risk management in their organisation in a structured manner. It makes no difference whether it is a listed company, an SME or a non-profit organisation.


The programme is led by dr. Robert Bood, who learned the craft of scenario analysis and strategy development from pioneers in the field. In the past 25 years, he has applied it in hundreds of projects, programmes and workshops with companies, governments, non-profit organisations and NGOs in more than 45 countries across the world. He is a consultant at FairSights, affiliated with both TIAS School for Business and Society at Tilburg University, the Netherlands and the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has extensive knowledge of the literature on scenario analysis, strategy, innovation, new business development and risk management and regularly publishes nationally and internationally on strategy and scenario development.

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