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Anticipate & manage disruptive transitions in health(care)

Scenario Planning for Health(care) Organisations


In the Scenario Planning for Health(care) Organisations programma, participants learn to apply scenario planning to foresee the course and implications of disruptive transitions in healthcare and to design strategic transformations to successfully respond to them.

Anticipating health transitions

Disruptive transitions will affect healthcare organisations more and more. The rapid growth of healthcare technology, digitalisation and data analysis reinforces the shift from curative to preventive care, offering users different choices, changing the role of healthcare providers and introducing new players and business models. It requires strategic transformations of healthcare providers. Scenario planning is a powerful and structured approach to anticipate and prepare for disruptive trends, trend breaks and transitions. Exploring and analysing challenging future scenarios helps to foresee and understand their course and implications before they become fully manifest and accelerate. It provides insight into new opportunities, competences, organisational forms and strategic risks. In doing so, scenario planning forms a solid basis for designing strategic transformations and successfully anticipating disruptive transitions in healthcare and health.


The programme consists of two blocks and combines in-depth insights into the working and principles of scenario planning and analysis and examples of scenario projects with practical exercises. Participants go through a full scenario cycle from exploring the forces that shape the future of health and healthcare and that can cause a major shake-up to working out strategic and organisational options. Both during and between the two blocks, there is plenty of room to apply scenario analysis to the specific strategic challenges and future of your own organisation.  During and after the programme, the lecturer is available for questions and support.


  • Ability to design, lead and apply scenario analysis to successfully respond to the radical transitions that may occur in the healthcare sector with one's own organisation.

  • Being able to select, think through and analyse relevant future scenarios in different ways in order to foresee and think through possible circumstances.

  • A flying start with the use of scenario analysis for strategic transformation of one's own organisation.

  • One-year subscription to the weekly newsletter onFutureScenarios that explores, maps and monitors the future of a range of industries to detect disruptive and structural changes to identify attractive business opportunities as well as strategic risks.


Participants are board members, directors or managers within a healthcare organisation and responsible for strategy, healthcare innovation, financial and risk management or operational activities that are already dealing with the consequences of transitions or will soon do so. They want to foresee and understand the implications of disruptive transitions together with their organisation in order to develop new approaches in a targeted and timely manner. With scenario analysis, they can do this in a structured way and involve other stakeholders where necessary or desirable.


The programme is led by dr. Robert Bood, who learned the craft of scenario analysis and strategy development from pioneers in the field. In the past 25 years, he has applied it in hundreds of projects, programmes and workshops with companies, governments, non-profit organisations and NGOs in more than 45 countries across the world. He is a consultant at FairSights, affiliated with both TIAS School for Business and Society at Tilburg University, the Netherlands and the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has extensive knowledge of the literature on scenario analysis, strategy, innovation, new business development and risk management and regularly publishes nationally and internationally on strategy and scenario development.

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