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Online healthcare services are on the rise

Online services that connect patients with health care professional are on the rise. Start-ups flood the market by the dozens. They will change health care once and for all. When will they cross the tipping point and what are they a harbinger of? Just a handful of examples. Doctor on Demand provides personalised live video doctor visits to assess symptoms, diagnose conditions and write prescriptions. Pager is an online engagement app that connects patients with healthcare providers for different types of urgent health services. Care coach is an online platform (with an avatar by choice) that supports self-organisation of chronically-ill patients. Babylon Health provides remote consultations with doctors through text and video. Maven Clinic is a health app that provides women and their families (millennials in particular) with personalised health information, access to health professionals and postpartum services to working moms. Helpsy is a virtual nurse platform that provides a whole-health care plan to support patients and detect symptoms at an early stage to prevent health costs. And health insurance companies around the world follow the likes of Oscar Health Insurance with apps to manage your health, connect with doctors online and find the right care when it is needed.

Photo by kamleshverm from Pixabay


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