One of the better, more nuanced articles on how Covid-19 may transform the healthcare sector from the perspective of some knowledgeable insiders. They point to bright-looking skies but also touch some extremely worrying downsides. Obviously references to well-known, likeable trends like acceleration of digitalisation and online medical care, yet with a serious side-note: virtual healthcare may soon be dominated by specialised global startups and familiar giants like Apple, Amazon and Google that have already conquered our homes and pockets and pour in billions of R&D in AI and data-driven services.
However, Covid-19 also highlights and reinforces social and economic divides within countries and across the world. Life has become a lot harder for those that were already struggling, mentally, financially or otherwise. Self-help and crisis organisations see a massive increase in sexual abuse and domestic violence. And large groups at the bottom of the pyramid hardly have access to proper healthcare services and lack any vaccin at the moment. Without taking precautionary measures, fragmented healthcare infrastructure and access to any new vaccin, they may witness very steep death curves in the months and years to come. There is a lot to be gained but definitely also to be lost.
Read more on Fast Company - Healthcare will never be the same: 8 experts on the future of medicine around the globe
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